Half shoulder of lamb
2 1/2 cloves chopped garlic
2 1/2 sprigs rosemary
zest of 1 lemon
lug olive oil
1. rub the marinade on the lamb, put in pre-heated oven at 180 - cook to taste
- best served medium rare, so apx 50 minutes to 1 hour cooking time..
2. when lamb in oven, par boil sweet potatoes until soft - apx 10 mins or so,
then put them into another oven tray with a lug of olive oil, s&p, a sprig of rosemary
and some slices of onion & 1 clove of chopped garlic.
3. Then cut a few carrots length ways into quarters, sprinkle some cumin over and
a teaspoon honey and place into the same tray as sweet potatoes,
then put into oven on a high heat and cook until potatoes are crispy and
the carrots are glazed.
4. once lamb is done take out oven and put aside to rest.
keep the tray the lamb was cooked in and put generous lug of white wine in
(if you have) - if not use hot water. stir and add some bisto powder to thicken.

5 mins before your ready to serve, heat your plates in the oven, boil some broccoli and peti pois.....
.....and VOILA!

Tommy G tucking in with his beer. lad
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